Tree care at commercial projects or homeowner associations is often overlooked until serious problems or significant costs occur. Maintenance budgets seldom provide for periodic maintenance of growing trees or for long-term tree care. Trees are seldom an issue in new or young projects, but they can become significant cost and hazard liabilities as their size and age increases.

A Tree Management Plan is based on an accurate Tree Inventory and Tree Assessment.

  • Tree Inventory - Establishes the location and species of each tree throughout the site and documents this information on a site plan for permanent long-term reference. Each tree is assigned an identification number, which is utilized for reference, planning, or action steps. The inventory step is a one-time project. All planning is based on the information provided in this permanent tree document, and all reference to trees is made from it.
  • Tree Assessment - Individually reviews each tree documented during the inventory to determine what short- or long-term management steps are required to optimize health, appearance, or safety. Included are issues of hazards, aesthetics, pruning, physical problems with hardscape, cultural problems, pest and disease, or other management issues. The assessment generates specific recommendations for action suitable for use by the appropriate landscape maintenance or pruning contractor.
  • Tree Management Plan - Combines information generated during the inventory and assessment phases into a site-specific, long-term action plan. The plan specifies action steps and timing, based on priorities set by site management and the annual budget available for tree resources. Specifies what to do and when to do it. Completion of tree-care action steps are budgeted to occur over a specific time period.